12 August 2010

Fix what you still can fix, leave broken what can't be, pick up the pieces that you'd need to make you whole, don't pick up more than what fits both hands and move on from there.

11 August 2010

I won't let my ♥ mess up my head. Not again. Not this time. :)

I will stop chasing pavements that lead to nowhere but ♥aches. :D

Life isn't just a piece of cake. It's the whole of it.

Marriage is not everybody's future default. There are those who are happily single just as there are those who are miserably married.

Learn to appreciate what you have while you still have it. You will surely miss it once you lose it.

I won't think about you when I'm older.

You're there, I'm here. Let's keep it that way til we know better than fall wrongly over again.

We both knew something was wrong the moment we walked through the door. We just didn't know what it was.