If I remember it correctly, you broke my heart 1,818 days ago. It wasn’t at all the worst break-up I’ve ever had. I’ve had more awful ones. But I must admit it was the saddest, giving me the most hang-ups. Most hang-ups because it was letting go of the most comfortable comfort zone. Most hang-ups because it was letting go of my soul mate. Most hang-ups because there was so much more to do, say, and feel and time took it all away. Without any signs, without any warnings. Or was I just so into you that I didn’t even notice? Maybe it’s the latter.
Yes, you are my soul mat
e. We may not be the happy-ever-after type of soul mates but you are my mirror image.We came into each other’s lives in a fast, weird, and unexpected way that drew us together. We can finish each other’s sentences and know what the other is thinking without even asking. We are not exactly the same but we complement each other’s almost the same personalities. It’s feeling like you’re the most beautiful person on earth even with your hair down. And yes, time took it all away.
It took me three long years to finally be able to muster all the courage I have to face you and step on the same land you step on. I was at a standstill the moment I first saw you after three years. We didn’t talk. We were just there catching glimpses of each other’s faces but there still was the feeling of comfort just having you near. I saw it in your eyes and how it smiled at mine. I felt it and maybe you did so, too. Because two years later we’re both here, on the same ground, having the fight we should have gotten over with five years ago.
Five years. It took us that long to talk about the US that used to be. It took us that long. Five long years. It’s comfortably weird in a good way. It’s weird how we still feel the same comfort and realize how we never really have gotten over each other even after five years.
That same stare, that same hand that used to hold mine, that same old feeling. I want so much to just stay in that moment. With you. With US. But can we? Should we?
I’ll be a hypocrite if I’ll say I didn’t ask for this because I did. Maybe I still do. And now my mind’s all messed up, wanting you and not wanting you at the same time. This just might be a reverie that I don’t want to wake up from. All the things you said brought me to a trance. But I know better now than to stay in a daze over something that I can see fleeting, short-lived. Still, I wouldn’t want to miss this chance because I waited for 1,818 days for this. I waited that long to feel the old feeling we used to share. So let’s just say I’ll be dazed while you’re still here. I’m looking at another heartbreak but can you please do me a favor and wake up when September ends?

It took me three long years to finally be able to muster all the courage I have to face you and step on the same land you step on. I was at a standstill the moment I first saw you after three years. We didn’t talk. We were just there catching glimpses of each other’s faces but there still was the feeling of comfort just having you near. I saw it in your eyes and how it smiled at mine. I felt it and maybe you did so, too. Because two years later we’re both here, on the same ground, having the fight we should have gotten over with five years ago.
Five years. It took us that long to talk about the US that used to be. It took us that long. Five long years. It’s comfortably weird in a good way. It’s weird how we still feel the same comfort and realize how we never really have gotten over each other even after five years.
That same stare, that same hand that used to hold mine, that same old feeling. I want so much to just stay in that moment. With you. With US. But can we? Should we?
I’ll be a hypocrite if I’ll say I didn’t ask for this because I did. Maybe I still do. And now my mind’s all messed up, wanting you and not wanting you at the same time. This just might be a reverie that I don’t want to wake up from. All the things you said brought me to a trance. But I know better now than to stay in a daze over something that I can see fleeting, short-lived. Still, I wouldn’t want to miss this chance because I waited for 1,818 days for this. I waited that long to feel the old feeling we used to share. So let’s just say I’ll be dazed while you’re still here. I’m looking at another heartbreak but can you please do me a favor and wake up when September ends?