The latest self-help book i read. tis my cuzn Aiai's.. beLieve me, it took me sooo Long to read even haLf of it. cuz as eyebrows raise and as questions await to be thrown at me, im pretty sure more specuLations and even more crtiticisms piLe up especiaLLy from those who know me weLL enuf. cuz as hard enuf for me to reLate to it, i know i can never ask myseLf why can i not faLL in Luv. cuz it is for a fact that i have been inLuv severaL tyms --- or so i think. knowing that i've been in and out of reLationships for Lyk 6 years or so, i've been on the verge of faLLing in and out of Luv aLso. so i think i cannot reaLLy recommend the book to u guyz bcuz i never reaLLy caught what the author is trying to teLL me. haha! reaLLy, though.. i myseLf am surprised to reaLize that after being into 6 reLationships or so, im not as excited to be in a reLationship now as i have been before. maybe bcuz i've been hurt more than i've been Luvd back. or maybe bcuz my Liberty is giving me more happiness than being with sumone in a reLationship that's not working out. or that it's better to be singLe than try to twist urseLf to be another person just to make sumone Luv u the way u'd want them to. or bcuz it's more fun to see severaL guyz without worrying bout the commitment or it's just fun being around and meeting a whoLe bunch of pipoL u'd nvr meet had u been with sumone or just bcuz it tires you to be trying the same thing over and over again onLy to end up with the very same resuLt! don't get me wrong.. im not being aLL negative bout this reLationship-craze stuff. but beLieve me.. u have to be happy with urseLf first b4 u can finaLLy b happy with sumone eLse. and hEi.. do urseLf a favor. faLL for the right one. or better yet, don't faLL too much. save your heart from breaking. save urseLf from the effective i-Luv-u-Lie.. but just in case its effect stiLL moves me, i might as weLL wait to be Lied to just so id find Luv magicaL again the way it used to..
Dated: 1 December 2005
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