In less than a couple of months, I’ll be 25. As much I hate to admit it, but yeah, I’ve been single for a couple of years, dating one jerk to another. And because everybody is pressuring me into having a relationship already, they keep pairing me up with whoever but end up not liking to date any of them at all.
I have high standards, I’ve been told. Well, over the years, I have grown and along with it developed my preferences. I used to alter my penchants so I can meet others’ customs, jeopardizing what I really want and maybe even deserve. So after the last guy I exclusively dated, who, by the way, made me forget about my ideals, I figured it’s time I stick to my proclivities and practice this thing called PATIENCE.
So patience it is! And patience left me single for two years and counting. :)
And because my friends, both old and new, keep compelling me to just get myself a guy already, I have to endure the bantering and the bullying all the time. But as stubborn as I am, it doesn’t really get to me, unless at times they hard sell somebody who isn’t even my type.
Over the years, I’ve been into several relationships and endured different types of personalities as much as they tried to endure mine. And because of those people I’ve been with, I actually had this list written in my subconscious until now. But rather than settling for what I want in a guy, I realized maybe it’s time I go for what I essentially need. So here goes.
- I need a guy who can blow my mind. He has to be sharp enough to stimulate my mind and clever enough to counterpart my intellectual cravings.
- I need a guy who understands that I’m far from the typical. I’m radically irrational. I’m blunt, I know no pretenses. I’m insanely extreme, black or white, never gray. I’m outrageous, never drawn back. I get utterly mad one minute, bubbly the next. I’m complicated and I need someone willing to live with that.
- I need a guy who wants me for the person that I am and not for the princess he thinks I am. I’m no princess. I sit on corners drinking with my friends. I can endure life’s complexities without needing to be saved by a knight in shining armor. I don’t want my life to be that of a fairy tale. I want the real deal. I hate compliments if it only means winning me over.
- I need a guy who can endure my persona and everything that goes with it. I’m not an angel, I’m far from being one. I’m brutally honest, I say what I mean out loud, dismissing cover-ups and facades. I’m mad when I’m mad, never keeping it in. I’m the sweetest when I feel like it, not minding the world and what it has to say. I live my life the way I want it, regardless if he’s going to be in it with me or not.
- I need a guy who can sweep me off my feet and just forget about the rest of the world even without trying. I don’t want a guy to be someone he’s not just to get through me. I hate the “putting the best foot forward” stage. I hate it when a guy does things just to please me or my friends, only for his true colors to be revealed later on. I don’t like it when a guy tries to impress. I want to be swept off my feet without feeling the pressure, without feeling the rush. I want to feel the oblivion effortlessly.
- I need a guy who is consistent. I don't need another inconsistency in me life right now. Got no space for more. I need someone who says what he means, means what he says, and means it forever. I don't need someone who will sweep me off my feet and blow my mind today, only to resurface weeks, months, or even years after like some guys I know
- But above all this, I need a guy who won’t complicate my life. Yes. This one I need pretty badly. My life is complicated enough, I don’t have room for any more impediments. Period.
With that said, I know it’s like wishing on a falling star or a box to the moon. I once read somewhere that the best things in life are illegal, fattening, expensive, or married to someone else or something like that. Whatever the case, I won’t settle for less. Not this time, not anymore. And I don’t mind waiting for another year or two just to meet that one person who will make me forget the rest.
I know most of you will no longer wonder why I’m still single. You may think I’m asking for too much. I don’t mind. This is me being patient. This is me waiting for who I deserve: a guy who will make me feel that it’s alright to be real.

I'd rather forget about Mr. Right if his first name's Always or his last name's Now.
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