The time of the year has come for me to look back and see what I have become during the 300 and 65 days that have passed. It’s time for me to run through the many blessings that were given to me and go over the things I need to leave behind as the year closes. It’s crazy how much we realize the changes only after so much has passed but overlook what we do to make things change in our everyday lives. Again, I don’t live a perfect life. My life is far from perfect, even. But there’s nothing more I can ask for except for better days and better ways.
2010 has been one hell of a ride for me. It may not be as extreme and intense as last year was but this year has not only been good to me, it has been way better!
This year, I have fallen out of love as fast as I have fallen into it. I got my heart broken (again), broken someone’s heart, and fixed what was broken. I saw an old love, rekindled an old flame, and renewed an old friendship. I fell, I failed, I got back up again. I loved, I lost, but I found out that what I was looking for has been here all along. I rediscovered the magic my soul mate brings, forgot he ever broke my heart, and started a new chapter of amity even if it means for us to be just friends from then on. I hurt myself, hurt somebody else, and learned to keep things at a slower pace so as not to leave the important details behind. I learned the value of waiting, being waited for, and knowing that I don’t always get what I want the moment I want it. I realize that it’s okay to let people go and that it’s not always good to hold on and fight for what we feel. I discovered that it’s alright to give up at times most especially when it’s not worth trying for anymore. I understood that winning isn’t always everything and that it’s okay to lose sometimes. But most importantly, despite all of life’s diversions, I still believe that the greatest gifts in life are the gifts of faith, fate, family, and friends.
Without faith, there will be nothing to look up to. Without fate, there will be nothing to look forward to. Without family, there will be no one to come home to. Without friends, there will be no one to run to.
As I close my 2010, I would like to extend my deep gratitude to everyone who came and left, who came and stayed for a while, and most especially to those who came and hang about. Life wouldn’t be as crazy without all of you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve been blessed with a lot of good friends this year and they all came at the right moment, at the right place, with the right reasons. You are life’s greatest gift to me! =)
So as I bid farewell to 2010, out the door goes all the pains, the confusions, unnecessary stresses, false hopes, and all the negativities I felt this year. Here’s to hoping for more genuine laughter with genuine friends, happier days and healthier ways, fulfillment of realistic dreams, stronger faith, and a blissful heart.
Welcome, 2011!

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